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Join us this Sunday!
Woodbury Heights Firehouse
534 Elm Ave.
Woodbury Hts. NJ 08097
What to Expect
How long is the service?
Each Sunday morning service lasts
for approximately 70 minutes.
What should I wear?
Come as you are!
What are the services like?
Sunday morning services include music, Scripture readings, prayers, and relevant, Christ-centered preaching.
What are the sermons like?
We believe the Bible is most faithfully preached by expositional preaching. Simply put, that means the text of Scripture drives the sermon. The meaning of the text is central to the teaching and application of the sermon.
Check out the sermons tab to listen!
What is the music like?
We sing both new songs and the long-loved hymns and songs of the historical church. The key thing to understand is we take great care to ensure the songs we sing are doctrinally rich, Christ-exalting, and spiritually formative.
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